The Community of Saints Francis and Clare
We are thrilled to announce that Rev. Rich Nelson has accepted the call to serve as the Founding Director of the Community of Saints Francis and Clare! Read more here.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Kerrville, Texas, is soon to launch the Community of Saints Francis and Clare. Our parish has been long discerning the start of a Christ-centered intentional community for young adults, ages 20 to 35. The community will be ecumenical, and members of the CFC will come into our midst, grounding their lives in prayer, study, and service, while living in community on our church property.
We are moved by the Holy Spirit to imagine the impact this ministry will have on the CFC members, the church, and the world at large! These young adults will be significantly transformed by their ten-month experience, and they will be sent into the world firm in their Christian identity. When he expressed his unwavering support of the program, the Right Reverend David Read, Bishop of West Texas, said the members of the CFC will be “living icons” of what it looks like to be a disciple in this modern day.
In their day, Saints Francis and Clare went into the world proclaiming the Gospel in all their words and actions. After coming through our program, these young adults will enter any number of professions and vocations with a common foundation: Christ will be at the center of their lives. God knows the difference Saints Francis and Clare made and still make in this world. We trust the same will be true with our Community of Saints Francis and Clare.
The Community of St. Anselm
The Community of St. Anselm has inspired us and supported us in this new venture. In the fall of 2015, the Archbishop of Canterbury invited young Christians aged 20-35 to form a radical new community of prayer at Lambeth Palace. In this video, the current Deputy Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells, explains the vision behind the community at the time of its launch.
Rooted in Christ
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby describes the monastic-inspired community he launched at Lambeth Palace in 2015.
The Community at the Crossing
This ecumenical community at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine is made up of young people from across the USA and across Christian denominations who choose to take a year out of their normal pathway in order to study, to dive into community life, to experience a radical rhythm of prayer, to serve the poor and the City of New York, and to be interrupted by God.